Home National Solar Rooftop Vendor Empanelment Procedure

National Solar Rooftop Vendor Empanelment Procedure

National Solar Rooftop Vendor Empanelment Procedure

Subject: Simplification of Procedure – Rooftop Solar Programme Ph-II.

This is in continuation of this Ministry’s OM of even no. dated 02.02.2022, vide which simplification of procedure for installation of residential grid connected rooftop solar plants was conveyed.

2. In this regard, a National Portal, www.solarrooftop.gov.in, is being designed and will be launched soon. The process for installation of rooftop solar plants, starting from registering the applications to release of subsidies in residential consumers’ (beneficiaries’) bank account after installation and inspection of plant, can be tracked online at the national portal.

3. In order to protect the interests of beneficiaries and ensure that the vendors installing the rooftop solar plants have the requisite expertise, follow minimum specifications and standards specified by the Ministry and maintain the plant for at least five years from the date of installation, it has been decided that such vendors have to register/empanel themselves with the beneficiaries’ Distribution Utility (DISCOM).

4. The vendors currently empanelled with the beneficiaries’ DISCOM through tendering process under RTS Programme Ph-II will be considered as empanelled vendors for this purpose. Other vendors willing to register/impanel themselves in the Programme under simplified procedure may get themselves registered with the consumers’ DISCOM by submitting an application along with declaration (as per Annexure) and depositing a PBG of Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Fifty Thousand only) valid for at least five years. The vendors can submit the application at the Division/Circle level and the name of the vendor will be included in the list of registered/empanelled vendors within a period of one month from the date of submission of the application. Registration/empanelment of vendors will be valid initially for one year from the date of empanelment and can be renewed thereafter on yearly basis. The DISCOM will notify the registered/empanelled vendors on its website for information of residential consumers and update the same every month.

5. The registered/impanelled vendor selected by the beneficiaries will conduct the physical survey to assess the RTS capacity and guide the beneficiary on the RTS capacity that can be installed in the beneficiary’s premises considering technical and financial parameters. The vendor shall also provide assistance to the beneficiary in getting necessary approvals, installing the net meter and facilitating inspection by the DISCOM.

6. In case of any misleading information is provided by any vendor or conditions mentioned in the declaration are not met, the DISCOM will take action against the registered/impanelled vendor including blacklisting and forfeiture of PBG.

7. The subsidy available under the simplified procedure will be the same for beneficiaries all over the country. The rates of subsidy will be notified for each calendar year and will be applicable for all beneficiaries who have registered their application on the national portal during the calendar year.

Important Documents Links

Step MSEDCL Empanelment for MNRE National PortaL

Authorisation letter


(Annexure) On Company Letter Head 

Vendor Declaration

V4 Vendor Information

You are requested to watch this video: National solar rooftop portal – Empanelment Policy procedure guidelines

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Virtual Net Metering 

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