Home GST Calculation on Solar Water Heater

GST Calculation on Solar Water Heater

GST Calculation on Solar Water Heater

The GST on solar products has been increased from 5% to 12%. From 1st October onwards all solar products or solar panel systems will attract a GST of 12%.

Therefore, in this article, I’ve explained the billing pattern of the solar water heater and how the tax structure should be on the invoice.

Billing Pattern for Solar Water Heater

Intra-State GST Invoice on Solar Water Heater

Below is an example of an intra-state GST invoice:

System cost rs 50000 for a 300 LPD ETC system with i&CSystem – tran  I&C- Popping & fittings
Sl.no Particulars / ItemHSNQuantityRate Amount
1.Solar Water Heater841915000050000
2.Plumbing & Other Accessories  2000020000
 Total   70000
 IGST 12%    50000 /-6000 /-
 IGST 18%   20000 /-3600 /-
 Grand Total    The system cost rs 50000 for a 300 LPD ETC system with i&CSystem – tran  I&C- Popping & fittings

Inter-State GST Invoice on Solar Water Heater

Below is an example of an inter-state GST invoice:

System cost rs 50000 for a 300 LPD ETC system with i&C System – tran  I&C- Popping & fittings 
Sl.no Particulars / ItemHSNQuantityRate Amount
1.Solar Water Heater 841915000050000
2.Plumbing & Other Accessories  2000020000
 Total   70000
 CGST 6% SGST 6%  50000 3000/-
3000 /-
 CGST 9%SGST 9%  20000 The system cost rs 50000 for a 300 LPD ETC system with i&C System – tran  I&C- Popping & fittings 
 Grand Total    79600 /-

Information Compiled By

  • Yogesh Mundhra
    For more information on taxation, you can contact & coordinate with Mr. Yogesh Mundhra on his WhatsApp No: 9168616101.
  • Ajit Bahadur
    Hope this information is useful for you, please share it with others.
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