Home Electrical Energy, Its Sources and Pros-Cons

Electrical Energy, Its Sources and Pros-Cons

Electrical Energy, Its Sources and Pros-Cons

What Is Electrical Energy:

Electrical energy is a type of energy that is generated by the flow of electrical charge through a conductor. This energy is widely used for various applications, including lighting, heating, and transportation.

In General, Energy is the capacity and the ability to work vigorously. As per the Universal Rule of Energy, “Energy is neither be created nor be destroyed, it converts from one form of Energy into another form of Energy”.

Electrical Energy

Electrical energy is the energy generated by the movement of electrons (charged particles of atoms) from one point to another.

Energy plays a vital role in our routine life and hence it is required in every sector or industry that might range including household, communication, transportation, defense, Agriculture, and others.

The energy sources are subdivided into,

  • Conventional Energy Sources
  • Non- conventional Energy Sources.
Sources of electrical energy

Conventional Sources of Energy:

Conventional energy Sources are naturally available in form of Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Liquified Natural Gas, and partly Nuclear & Hydro Power due to its construction process. Nuclear energy is Non-Renewable, but its Green Energy. Big Hydro Powers are also falls under Non Renewable due to its construction process. Conventional energy sources are naturally occurring and take a considerable time to be available for usable resource, and they cannot be renewed manually or by applying scientific methods. So, it is essential for judicious use of non-renewable or conventional energy sources.

Conventional Sources of Energy

Advantages of Conventional Energy Sources:

  • Conventional Energy Sources are abundant in nature and are easily available.
  • Conventional Energy Sources are affordable, efficient and have good for electricity conversion.
  • Conventional Energy Sources have low exploration cost.
  • Conventional Energy Sources, like oil and diesel, are still good choices for powering vehicles as economy optimization.

Dis-Advantages of Conventional Energy Sources:

  • Conventional Energy Sources are time-consuming collection processes.
  • Conventional Energy Sources cause high pollution.
  • Conventional Energy Sources are the reason for Global warming.
  • Conventional Energy Sources destroy natural eco-system
  • Conventional Energy Sources displace local communities.
  • Once Conventional Energy Sources have been used, they can not be replaced or revitalized.

Non-Conventional Sources of Energy:

Non- Conventional energy sources are the best alternatives to conventional energy sources, while also non-polluting, by reducing Carbon Footprint through reducing Green House Gases to combat against Global warming. Non-conventional energy sources could be obtained from Sun, Wind, BioMass, Geo-Thermal, Tidal and others that support Heat and Power generation. They are nonpolluting and present in abundance within the earth’s atmosphere and also renewable in nature.

Non-Conventional Energy Sources are Sun, Wind, Bio-Gas, Geo-Thermal, Nuclear, Tidal, Small Hydro Power etc energies, also known as Renewable Energy Sources.

Non Conventional Sources of Energy

Advantages of Non-Conventional Energy Sources:

  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources are abundant in nature and freely available.
  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources are Non-Polluting.
  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources are environment friendly.
  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources are clean, renewable and sustainable.
  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources have low harnessing costs.
  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources are standstill and Silent, so require less O&M.
  • Bio-Energy reduces waste and it is reliable.
  • Wind-Energy is Space efficient among Non-Conventional Energy Sources.
  • Geo-Thermal energy and Tidal Energy are reliable and predictable source of energy, and more sustainable energy.
  • Tidal energy plant has long life span as well effective at low tidal speed.

Dis-Advantages of Non-Conventional Energy Sources:

  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources are available abundant in nature, but require mechanical devices for procuring.
  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources are less efficient, So, commercially less viable as high up-front deployment cost.
  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources are generating power in intermittent or unpredictable in nature, not as consistent to rely on it.
  • Non-Conventional Energy Sources require higher space to generate power as equivalent of Conventional Energy Sources. 
  • Manufacturing of Solar PV Panels, Wind Turbines, Tidal energizers etc is having impact on environment, emits greenhouse gases.
  • Wind Turbines are noisy and having visual pollution.
  • Wind Turbines are causing death of Birds and Bats, causing Bio-Logical impact.
  • Bio-Energy may impact on environment by air pollution, high space requirement.
  • Geo-Thermal Energy is location specific and an expensive resource.
  • Geo-Thermal reservoirs to be properly managed for its sustainability.
  • Tidal Energy plant may impact natural movement or migration of fish.

Conventional Energy Sources and Non-Conventional energy sources are vital resources for Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, Agriculture consumption. Although, the high growth of Population and Wastage of resources have depleted conventional sources. For this reason, nonconventional sources of energy are being developed and researched.

The commitment of India in Energy Sector:

India is also committed to the World and taking a leadership to combat against Global Warming by reducing Carbon emission or say reducing Green House Gas effect by transiting from Conventional/Traditional Energy source to Non-Conventional / Renewable Energy source as Conventional Energy source contribute very high Carbon Gas Emission of total Carbon Emission in the World. Thermal / Fossil fuel power plants are more contributing carbon emission, so transition require from Fossil fuel power plant to Renewable power plants. And so, India is promoting Renewable Power Plants like Solar Power Plants, Wind Energy Power Plants, Small Hydro Power Plants, Bio-Gasified / Bio-Mass Plants, Hydrogen Fuel Plants/Servers and last but not least Nuclear Power Plants (it’s not renewable, but Green Energy plants) through SMRs (Small Module Reactors Technology) technology. India is not just taking initiative for renewable energy generation to reduce Carbon Footprint also working toward Energy Conservation plans, Energy Conservation means decision and practice of using less energy by smart and energy efficient devices.

The commitment of India in Energy Sector

At present Indian Power Plants installed capacity is 404 GW and having 58% as fossil power plants and by 2030, requirements of total power would be expected as 817 GW, almost double. And India has committed to 50% Green Energy production to world to combat Global Warming / Climate Change and reduce Carbon footprint by 2030 and also committed “Carbon Neutral” or “Net Zero” emission by 2070. In the same directions, India will deploy power plants of 450 GW through Renewable or Green Energy solution.

Out of 450 GW renewable energy, 280 GW to be deployed as Solar Power Plants by 2030, and up to now only 58 GW has been deployed, So mammoth tasks ahead. All major Indian Industrials / Businessmen investing in Solar and Hydrogen Fuel. Energy Consumption will be increased per Capita due to life style of Indians, Crypto Currency Mining Servers, Cloud Servers, Electric Vehicles, Smart Home Appliances, Make in India / Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Projects, Start-Up projects etc.

Indian Energy Transition Challenges form Conventional Energy Sources to Non Conventional Energy Sources:

As India committed to the World and in line with the requirements of Green Energy to combat against Global Warming, India is facing and will face challenges to implement Renewable Energy sources, as Renewable energy sources are Intermittent, Less Reliable, Not Enough Space efficient and Costlier. Also, Traditional grid network may face grid quality parameters issue and handling issue with the injection of Renewable energy in existing Grid Network.

Also, Transport Business Sector is transiting towards Green Vehicle products by using Li-Ion, LiFePo4 & other Batteries, Super Capacitors Battery Bank, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles, require more and more Electrical Energy to charge Battery Vehicles and require infrastructure for same. EV Vehicles and Green Hydrogen Policy will make India to combat against all odds to move towards Nation “Net Zero” Emission commitment, and further to emerge as “Carbon Negative” country.

The growth in the Power Sector through Renewable Energy Sources and the Improvement of Grid networks need Skill Man Power. So, opportunities for new jobs and business in India in Renewable Energy Sector or Power sector open doors with spreading both hands.


Disclaimer: This article is informational in nature and based on information from various sources. Hence, please re-check the data and resources, for any ambiguity arises or further clarifications require, with the implementing agency or refer to official and authorized original documents released by the concerned and competitive authority.

Blog by: Hemant Gandhi

Gmail: hngandhi1970@gmail.com